Amy's been out of town since Wednesday, so it's been yet another installment of Max's Home Alone Adventure. This actually will be the longest one of the year I think, and she gets back tomorrow, so it's really not too bad. I will be very happy to have her back home though... As for what I've been up to while she's gone, just taking care of the pups, not a whole lot really. Nothing out of the ordinary by any means.
As for the weekend, just because she gets back into town doesn't mean Amy gets to relax, unfortunately... Saturday we're going to one of her friends' wedding. So no rest for the wicked... I should get my car in for an oil change this weekend as well, but I'll probably put it off a little longer. It's due time-wise, but not mileage-wise yet. Enh. After having to get new brake pads then a new tire on the van, I'm a bit worried about the "extras" that might come with the oil change at this point.
So what else have I been doing? Well, futzing around with various social network services. I'm still not completely sold on them, but they're all neato "tools" and a big part of Web 2.0, which is a really interesting concept that I'm trying to stay on-top of.
So far I've tried out:
- Livejournal -- more of a blog/journal service than a social network, but the profile page and it's interlinking with other folks who list the same interests was a core-part of the others...
- Yahoo 360 -- Yahoo's still very raw version which also feels more like a "uniform personal homepage" then a social network...
- Orkut -- Google's social-network service. (Which is invite-only, though if you want to check it out, the invites are not hard to come by, and I can invite whomever.) Orkut seems to have a lot of great groups, and is one of the better organized that I've seen... but it's also been swarmed by Brazilian folks and as a result a LOT of the discussions and such are in Portugese.
- Friendster -- One of the "original" social network services. Haven't checked this one out too much yet, but it seems like it might be a little more dating/hook-up oriented, which I obviously have no want or need for.
- MySpace -- Another of the older services. It strikes me as ugly and chock-full of ads.
- Facebook -- Originally only for college folks, they've now created a separate one just for high schoolers as well. The college one is very much like the other social networks, but seems to have a pretty huge buy-in among alot of the young'uns coming through the past year or so.
- Imeem -- Different from the others in that instead of being web-based, it's actually more instant-message based, with groups, blogs, and such all tied in for added flavor and overlap.